In over 20 years of clinical experience I have seen that my clients who achieve optimum health and vitality use all of these approaches:
Herbal medicine and supplements
These make good any nutritional deficiencies. I offer to create a unique herbal formula for each person who comes to see me.
I use this to balance the “qi”, or “vital force” of each client. Blockages in this system can cause a whole range of illness.
Optimum nutrition
You are what you eat. I draw on a wide range of approaches to help each person find the best approach for them. We must also ensure that gut absorption is working.
The optimum kind depends very much on the person. Some people need slow and gentle, while others need something more vigorous.
In our society people are exposed to a wide range of toxins, through air, water and food. These place a burden on the liver, and must be removed to allow the body to heal. I use a range of diets, fasting, and detoxification protocols.
Emotional and spiritual practices
Man is not a machine, but is made in the image of God. We must all cultivate this aspect of our selves in order to be fully alive.
I work according to the following principles:
- Health is not just the absence of disease: it is abundant vitality
- Each person is unique, and needs an individualised treatment
- Each person can be empowered to take responsibility for her own health
- Restore the vital force, and the person will heal himself
- Address the root cause, not just the symptoms
- Treat the person, not the disease
About Me
- I have been In practice since 1996
- I hold diplomas in Shiatsu, Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Naturopathy (12 years training)
- I have taught acupuncture since 2000
- I was the Acupuncture Course Director for the College of Naturopathic Medicine (2002 – 2015)
- I am the author of three books and numerous articles
- I hold Masters degrees in Economics (1991) and Theology (2015)
- I specialise in working with people who have serious chronic diseases, such as cancer